People who want to lose weight are often more concerned about the accumulation of fat in certain places, the most important and notable of which is the fatty tissue that accumulates under the chin, also known as the double chin. Sometimes the problem of double chin is not only due to excess weight but also due to aging. The underlying tissue called the muscularis myelohyoids loses elasticity and begins to sag. It does not have any negative effects on health, but it is ugly to look at and many people feel a lack of self-confidence due to it. To hide it, many people, especially women, resort to muffler or cosmetics, but this is only a temporary solution to this problem. Apart from this, surgery is also done to get rid of it, but it is a very painful and expensive method.By these given bellow home remedies You can get rid of double chin at home.
1. Uses of Sugarfree Bubble Gum
To get rid of double chin, you don't have to do any hard exercise or use a mixture mask, just chew sugar-free gum throughout the day, because with the help of sugar-free gum, your facial muscles will get into this shape very quickly. Gage used to happen before Jomotape.
1. Uses of Sugarfree Bubble Gum
2. green tea
Using this tea also makes the skin flexible. The antioxidants present in it help in burning excess calories. Drink three cups of green tea a day. Apart from this, skin massage can also be done with green tea bags.
3. Massage
Using this tea also makes the skin flexible. The antioxidants present in it help in burning excess calories. Drink three cups of green tea a day. Apart from this, skin massage can also be done with green tea bags.
Cocoa butter has moisturizing properties that heal sagging skin and also get rid of dead cells. The antioxidant present in it removes the effects of aging on the skin. It provides moisture to the skin and makes it elastic. Heat 1 to 2 spoons of cocoa butter a little. Then apply it on the face, a little more on the neck. Massage gently for 15 minutes. Move the hands slightly away from the neck. Repeat this process every night.
Milk top or olive oil and honey mixture massage or egg lemon and honey mixture massage also helps to reduced a dobule chin .
4. Neck exercise
5. Body position
The way we sit has a profound effect on our body composition. Always keep your spine straight while reading newspaper or book. Do not keep the neck bent for a long time. Bending or pulling the head too far down or back can cause some skin to hang. Always sit and stand with a straight back. Do not hold the phone between your neck and ear without using your hands.