Showing posts with label Health & Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health & Beauty. Show all posts

03 February 2023

7 Tips to Get Rid of Double Chin

7 Tips to Get Rid of Double Chin

You can get rid of double chin at home without spending any money with these home remedies

People who want to lose weight are often more concerned about the accumulation of fat in certain places, the most important and notable of which is the fatty tissue that accumulates under the chin, also known as the double chin.  Sometimes the problem of double chin is not only due to excess weight but also due to aging.  The underlying tissue called the muscularis myelohyoids loses elasticity and begins to sag.  It does not have any negative effects on health, but it is ugly to look at and many people feel a lack of self-confidence due to it.  To hide it, many people, especially women, resort to muffler or cosmetics, but this is only a temporary solution to this problem.  Apart from this, surgery is also done to get rid of it, but it is a very painful and expensive method.
By these given bellow home remedies You can get rid of double chin at home.

1. Uses of Sugarfree Bubble Gum

To get rid of double chin, you don't have to do any hard exercise or use a mixture mask, just chew sugar-free gum throughout the day, because with the help of sugar-free gum, your facial muscles will get into this shape very quickly.  Gage used to happen before Jomotape.

 2.  green tea

Using this tea also makes the skin flexible.  The antioxidants present in it help in burning excess calories.  Drink three cups of green tea a day.  Apart from this, skin massage can also be done with green tea bags.

3. Massage 

Cocoa butter has moisturizing properties that heal sagging skin and also get rid of dead cells.  The antioxidant present in it removes the effects of aging on the skin.  It provides moisture to the skin and makes it elastic.  Heat 1 to 2 spoons of cocoa butter a little. Then apply it on the face, a little more on the neck.  Massage gently for 15 minutes.  Move the hands slightly away from the neck.  Repeat this process every night.

Milk top or olive oil and honey mixture massage or egg lemon and honey mixture massage also helps to reduced a dobule chin .

4. Neck exercise

Neck muscles often become loose due to lack of movement.  Because of which, fat starts to accumulate under a little.  Roll the neck round at least twice a day.  This will eliminate double chin very quickly. Another exercise is Keeping your back straight, look straight up at the sky exactly as you see it for 5 seconds while keeping your neck slightly rigid and then after 5 seconds come back to the normal position.
You should also do this exercise 2 to 3 times a day for several weeks.

 5. Body position

The way we sit has a profound effect on our body composition.  Always keep your spine straight while reading newspaper or book.  Do not keep the neck bent for a long time.  Bending or pulling the head too far down or back can cause some skin to hang.  Always sit and stand with a straight back.  Do not hold the phone between your neck and ear without using your hands.

 6.  Food choice

Beware of weight-gaining foods that contain sodium, sugar, and junk food.  Use fresh fruits and vegetables.  Drinking too much water also creates tension in the skin and makes it elastic.  Apart from this, the consumption of vitamin E is also useful in such things as dry fruits, sugarcane, apples, dairy products, green vegetables, beans, brown rice and cabbage etc.

7. Chin vibrater

In market several fat burning chin vibraters are available at low rate which you can easily use at home daily bases to rid of double chin.

Out of these home remedies some non surgical clinical process is also very effective for 
Submental adiposity, or submental fat, is the scientific term for a double chin.

Deoxycholic acid

Some injections containg deoxycholic acid, a molecule found in the human body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
When injected into submental fat, destroys fat cells and preventing the body from storing fat in the chin area.


Another non-surgical option for patients to consider is CoolSculpting.
This option utilizes a process known as cryolipolysis, where a device freezes and destroys the fat cells by subjecting them to freezing temperatures approximately 45 minutes by this means we can rid of double chin.

02 February 2023

An overview of all vitamins from vitamin "A" to vitamin "K"

An overview of all vitamins from vitamin "A" to vitamin "K"

The importance of food depends on its ingredients.  Vitamins are the most important of nutrients.  The word vitamin is derived from the Latin words "vital" (meaning essential) and "amines" (meaning life).
The first regularly discovered vitamin B-1 (Thiamine, Vitamin B1) was discovered in 1910, while the last discovered vitamin B-9 (Vitamin B9, Folic Acid) was discovered in 1941.  Many diseases such as beriberi, scurvy, pellagra, and rickets are caused by a lack of certain vitamins in the diet.

Importance of vitamins and their sources 

How important vitamins are for our physical health and which vitamin can be obtained from which food.  Its brief description is as follows.

Vitamin A (Vitamin A, Retinol)

The function of this vitamin is to keep the eyes, skin, hair, teeth and gums healthy.  It is found in milk, butter, eggs, green leafy vegetables and liver.

Vitamin B1

It is also called "thiamine".  It produces energy in the body by releasing carbon dioxide from glucose.  It is found in grains, milk, poultry, fish, liver, yeast, flour, legumes and lean meats.

Vitamin B2

It is also called "riboflavin".  It supplies the body with energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats.  It is found in abundance in milk, grains, liver, lean meats, eggs and leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B6

It also has a name "pyridoxine". It plays an important role in the formation of some other proteins.  Makes lipids and red blood cells.  It is best found in whole grains, leafy vegetables and lean meats.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

It is essential for the formation of nucleic acids.  Red blood cells are also formed due to its presence.  It maintains the nervous system.  It is found in liver, kidney, fish, milk and animal foods.

Folic Acid (B9)

It is also called "Folate".  It is also essential for nucleic acids and some other proteins.  It plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells.  It is found in liver and leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B5

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5, It is a molecule that is needed by the body by changing carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is also necessary for the nervous system and the birth of certain hormones.  , found in leafy vegetables, liver, kidney and nuts.

Vitamin B3: Niacin

It is essential for reactions in cells that produce energy.  It is found in eggs, meat, liver and grains.

Vitamin B7

It is essential for obtaining energy and fatty acids from glucose.  Performs many chemical functions of the body.  Found in liver, kidney, eggs and leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

It keeps bones, teeth and blood vessels healthy.  It plays an important role in the formation of collagen.  Collagen is a protein that supports body structures such as skin and bone.  It is abundant in leafy vegetables and fruits, especially fruits with a bitter taste.

Vitamin D (Calciferol)

It is very important for strong teeth and bones.  It is also very important for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the body.  Found in abundance in egg yolks, cod liver oil, milk and salmon.

Vitamin E (Vitamin E, Tocopherol)

It helps in the formation and protection of red cells and muscles.  It is found in cereals and vegetable oils and ghee.

Vitamin K (Phytonadione)

This is essential for blood clotting (otherwise it becomes difficult to stop bleeding from a wound).  It is found in abundance in leafy vegetables.

Home remedies to remove stretch marks

Home remedies to remove stretch marks

There are several home remedies to reduced or eliminate stretch marks

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks, occur when your skin changes shape rapidly due to stretching or weight gain.  These are not signs that there is a serious problem with your health. Both men and women can have stretch marks.  Pregnancy and puberty are two of the most common times in life to cause stretch marks.

There are many misconceptions about these marks.  The truth is that the strongest cause of stretch marks is genetics. According to research, women are more prone to them, especially those who are pregnant.

About 90% of pregnant women experience stretch marks or or scars on their belly. It is almost impossible to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy as hormones play a key role in the causes, although you may be bothered by your marks.  , but it is important to understand that these marks are harmless and for most women, they are a natural part of pregnancy.

According to experts, stretch marks can occur at any time when the skin is stretched too fast. During pregnancy, these marks begin to form during the second trimester, when the baby is growing fastest in the womb.  This causes the skin to become inflamed and scarred.

At first, a stretch mark may appear as a thin red or purple line on your skin that has a different texture than the surrounding skin layer.  After some time, most abdominal scars fade and gradually almost disappear

It is not possible to get rid of it completely naturally.  These are a type of scars that rarely disappear completely.  However, there are some treatments that can help reduce the appearance of these marks and help them fade more quickly.

Eat anti-inflammatory foods

Stretch mark inflammation can be reduced or eliminated by Eat anti-inflammatory foods like tomatoes, olive oil. Green leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale. Nuts like almonds and walnuts. Fatty fish. Fruits like strawberries, blueberries, cherries and oranges.

Because stretch marks are caused by inflammation in the dermis beneath the skin, and an anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce or eliminate inflammation and – reduce redness or swelling from stretch marks.

Vitamin A

Vitamins play important role, vitamin A is also known as retinoid.  Its use keeps the skin smooth and youthful.  These are used in topical cosmetic creams.

Using vitamin A extract alone, or taking a vitamin A supplement, can protect your skin's health and improve its overall appearance.  Eating certain foods, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, can also help you increase your vitamin A levels.

Usage of sugar scrub to rid off strach marks

Some people consider sugar as a natural microdermabrasion method.

According to dermatologists, it is one of the few clinically proven methods to eliminate stretch marks.  So this home remedy is a good tip.

Rubbing the sugar scrub on the skin will exfoliate the area.  To do this: Mix 1 cup of sugar with 1/4 cup of a softening agent, such as almond oil or coconut oil, mixed like wet beach sand.

Add a little lemon juice. Rub the mixture on the part of your body where stretch marks are present.

Repeat several times a week during the shower, making sure to rub the mixture in for 8-10 minutes.

Aloe vera

Although there is little clinical evidence of aloe vera as a stretch mark treatment, pure aloe vera pulp is a natural healing agent and skin softener.  It can be used as an ideal home remedy to get rid of these marks.

For this purpose apply pure aloe vera gel from the plant to your marks daily.

Hyaluronic acid

Collagen is the protein in your skin that allows it to keep its shape and look healthy.  As we age, collagen in our face and in our body decreases.

Collagen production can be stimulated with hyaluronic acid.  Hyaluronic acid can be absorbed by serum.

Coconut oil

Because stretch marks are caused by damage to the skin, and coconut oil helps the skin heal. Due to its healing properties, research has found its use in healing skin wounds.  It can reduce the time taken.

Applying coconut oil to your stretch marks every day can reduce some of the redness of stretch marks.  If you are not allergic to coconut oil, this oil is considered safe to use.

01 February 2023

6 Ways to reduce belly Fat

6 Ways to reduce belly Fat

Most people seem to have an intention that they will lose weight or try to look good by reducing their belly fat in some way, but most people fail to make this intention a reality.  The main reason for this is that people do not know the right ways to lose belly fat.  Apart from spoiling our appearance, obesity can also lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Which is often very serious risk to your life .

Let's see how we can get rid of our enlarged belly:

1. Reduction in Carbohydrates

As the fat layer around the organs in the abdomen is mostly composed of carbohydrates, reducing their intake helps us reduce belly fat.  Refined carbohydrates such as white bread or sugar are even more serious, so complete elimination of them is extremely important.  According to some sources, avoiding refined carbs is enough to reduce belly, but some believe that the daily intake of carbohydrates should not exceed 50 grams.  It's up to you what you give more importance to, but cutting carbs is the key to getting rid of belly fat.

2. Think eating plan not diet

Choosing a healthy eating strategy is better then diet . The advantage of a low-carbohadrates strategy.

In general, a low-carbohadrates diet encourages you to consume less problem items, such as bread, bagels, and sodas, which are high in carbohydrates and sugar and low in fibre, and more high-fiber or high-protein foods, such as vegetables, beans, and lean meats.

3. Avoiding sweet items

Natural sugar consists of 50% glucose and 50% fructose, of which glucose is used by cells while fructose is stored in our liver.  Artificially produced sugar contains too much fructose which our liver cannot fully store and as a result it starts to accumulate in our stomach in the form of fat.  Therefore, the consumption of processed sugar should be avoided as much as possible and products that are rich in these types of sugars such as energy drinks or other carbonated drinks should also be avoided.  If you have a sweet tooth, try to use sugar from natural sources and don't forget to read the label on the packet when shopping.

4. High intake of protein

Whether it's weight loss or stomach protein consumption is essential in both cases.  Because protein increases our metabolism by about 400 calories per day and reduces our hunger cravings by 50%.  Also, consuming protein-rich foods like eggs, milk, or fish helps build muscle and reduces belly fat.

5. Use of fiber

Fibers are the indigestible parts of plants that our digestive system cannot absorb, so they also reduce the intensity of our appetite and provide protection against problems like constipation.  Fiber sources that also contain plenty of water are the most effective for weight loss.

6. Exercise

Exercise not only reduces our weight and belly but it has numerous benefits.  Cardio and aerobic exercises such as jogging, walking, swimming and cycling are most useful in reducing belly fat.  These activities reduce inflammation in our body, increase metabolism, and even relieve diabetes by significantly reducing blood sugar levels.  However, abdominal exercise is not effective in getting rid of fat but it keeps the muscles in shape.
In short, it takes time and effort to lose weight.  Make yourself beautiful again by incorporating the above information into your life.

31 January 2023

10 most beneficial food for health

Foods that are considered to be very beneficial for health

Experts advise people to choose good foods to live a healthy life, surely you would also like to know which are the beneficial foods.

Foods that are rich in various vitamins and other beneficial ingredients are considered good foods, while the World Health Organization also publishes food classifications.  Generally healthy foods include walnuts, almonds, beans, peas, eggs, meat, seafood and fat-free dairy products.

Apart from this, fruits, vegetables and grains are said to be the best and healthiest foods.  Some foods are rich in nutrients and contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that keep a person fresh.

1. Consumption of salmon

There are a few fish found in the world that experts strongly advise to eat, they include salmon fish, it is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, selenium and vitamin B.  These are the ingredients that protect humans from dangerous diseases like measles and Alzheimer's.

2. Benefits of garlic

According to experts, garlic is a common vegetable that is used in almost all types of food preparation. Garlic is rich in selenium, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and B, which helps in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol.  Garlic is known for its excellent benefits.

3. Cabbage and Broccoli

You will be left knowing that cabbage and broccoli protect the human from the risks of cancer, they are rich in vitamins C, E, K and fiber, these vegetables also help in inflammatory problems.

4. Green leafy vegetables

According to experts, dark green leafy vegetables contain calcium and magnesium, while high amounts of vitamins A, C and K are found, they are also rich in iron and dietary fiber.

5. Chia Seed Benefits

Like other magical ingredients, chia seeds are also packed with amazing benefits.  Chia maintains heart health, experts urge people to consume it.

6. The magic of beans

Beans are considered among the foods that are high in protein and fiber.  While zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron present in beans are beneficial for bones.

7. Use of almonds

Medical experts say that eating 8 to 10 almonds soaked daily will improve mental health.  It contains protein, fiber, vitamin E, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium, zinc, B vitamins and folate.  Almonds also help reduce depression and stress and protect cells from damage.

8. Peanuts

During winter the consumption of peanuts increases, most of the citizens like to sit by the fire in cold weather and eat peanuts, peanuts are a good source of healthy fats, protein and fiber.

9. Walnut specialty

After almonds in the medical world, walnuts are also ranked as the healthiest food, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, protein, iron and calcium.  Eating walnuts solves inflammation problems while it can also be used to lower or increase cholesterol.

10. Characteristic of Yogurt

Eating of Yogurt produces good bacteria in the human body, which are also known as friendly bacteria.
Which is beneficial for our body.

How to Maintain Healthy Hair

How to Maintain Healthy Hair

Pollution is s seasonal changes and diet effects the health of our hair.
Hair is most presious part of our body which enhances our beauty.
There are Different things effects the our hair.

Air and water pollution effects

Its important to take extra care of hair because of pollution.
Different harmful chemicals from industrial resedu smog and different gases from industrial chimneys and auto mobiles for example carbon monoxide sulphur dioxide nitrogen oxide led etc, polluted our environment mostly by increasing pH to acidic level  which is not only harmful for humans , animals birds but Aquatic life also effected , 
If we breath in polluted air or drink or take bath from polluted water inspite of other problems hair loss colour changes dryness and wekenes of hair along with some other different problems are most common.

Seasonal changes effects

As the weather changes, it not only affects our facial skin but also affects our hair. The change in weather often makes our hair prone to dryness due to which it starts to fall out a lot.  The reason is that experts recommend taking extra care of your hair during the change of season.

Hair care

To condition or not to condition, to oil or not to oil - when it comes to your hair you'll find all kinds of advice. Mothers' will tell you to "oil your hair" while your hair dresser will recommend the new things "hair spa, Moroccan oil, strengthening not rebonding and all." Before you pick your choice of treatment, here are a few things you must know.

The first step in hair care is your selection of foods in your diet.
A healthy diet and proper care can make hair strong. 

What nutrients should be used to improve hair?

Vitamin A

Vitamins play very important role It helps to retain moisture in our hair.  Vitamin A also helps in hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin A include sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc.

B vitamins

B vitamins help carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp.  Cereals, bananas, beans, etc. are rich in B vitamins.

Vitamin C 

It is essential for building collagen.

Collagen is protein produced by body which is most abundant and present 

throughout the body, particularly in skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, teeth, and connective tissues

Collagen may promote healthy hair in a variety of ways. For one, your body may be able to use the amino acids in collagen to build hair proteins and strengthen the skin that contains your hair roots. It may also prevent hair follicle damage and graying.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps prevent oxidative stress and promote hair growth.  Foods like almonds, spinach, pumpkin, etc. are rich in vitamin E.


Did you know, iron deficiency is a major cause of hair loss?  That's why nutritionist Lonit Batra recommends eating iron-rich foods like beans, peas, and beans for good hair health.


Including zinc-rich foods in your diet can help reduce dryness and promote hair growth.  May help with growth.  Foods rich in zinc include beans, nuts and seeds.


Include a good amount of protein in your diet for healthy hair growth.  Protein can be taken from milk and eggs.


One of the B vitamins is biotin, often known as vitamin B7. In both humans and other animals, it plays a key role in a variety of metabolic processes, especially those that involve the use of lipids, carbs, and amino acids. The word "biotin," which is derived from the German "Biotin," comes from the Ancient Greek word "o" (botos, which means "life") and the suffix "-in," which is typically used in chemistry to mean "forming."

Biotin helps in keratin production and prevents dryness.  Some common biotin-rich foods are egg yolks, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms.

Keratin is a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of hair, feathers, hoofs, claws, horns, etc.

Other hair tips

To reduce the environmental and other bad effects on hair we can take some further precautions to keep our hair helthy.

Always use color-safe shampoo when washing your hair, ideally one that is free of sulfate, which can strip out color.Use best quality oil shampoo or other products on your hair.During washing your hairs in winter don't use to much hot water.Minimize Heat Styling If Possible. Keep your hair clean.

30 January 2023

Different Ways to control diabetes

Different Ways to control diabetes

With diabetes, your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it as well as it should.

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy.

Your body breaks down most of the food you eat into sugar (glucose) and releases it into your bloodstream. When blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to release insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let the blood sugar into your body’s cells for use as energy.

With diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it as well as it should. When there isn’t enough insulin or cells stop  responding insulin too much blood sugar stays in your bloodstream. Over time, that can cause serious health problems, such as heart diseases vision loss, and kidney diseases.

In simply Sugar, which is called diabetes in the medical language, is the name of the condition arising from the presence of more than a certain amount of glucose in the blood.  It can be counted among the diseases affecting millions of people.  It is an age-related and potentially fatal disease.  The key to diabetes treatment is monitoring blood glucose levels within a certain range.  This quantitative level, called the blood sugar level, can be monitored with laboratory tests or with a device called a blood sugar level monitor.
If you or someone you love is suffering from diabetes, the following measures to treat it can be helpful in preventing the harmful effects of this disease.

Lose your excess weight

Losing 5 to 10 percent of your weight in overweight people is an effective diabetes management strategy.  You should consult your doctor and take the guidance of a dietitian (nutritionist) to reduce your weight.

Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet is a diet that provides the body with all the nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and essential vitamins and minerals, in a specific ratio.  In choosing a balanced diet in the treatment of diabetes, it should include carbohydrates called complex carbohydrates.  These are starchy foods that are high in fiber, such as whole wheat flour.

Avoiding fats from animal sources and processed foods
A major obstacle in the treatment of diabetes is the consumption of market foods containing fats from animal sources such as desi ghee, butter and banaspati ghee etc. and common fried items such as samosas, burgers etc.  Similarly, the use of canned foods also hinders the treatment of diabetes.

Benefits of Barley

According to recent research, the use of barley has been found to be very useful in the treatment of diabetes.  The fiber in it has the effects of suppressing appetite and lowering blood glucose levels.  Researchers say that consumption of barley also reduces the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases.

Use of slowly digestible starches

This type of starch is found in natural foods such as bananas, potatoes, whole grains and beans.  The reason for its effectiveness in the treatment of diabetes is that it cannot be digested in the small intestine.

Use of dry fruits

The use of dry fruits is also useful for the treatment of diabetes.  The fat in dry muon is unsaturated, so it doesn't clog arteries, and it contains a variety of proteins and minerals that reduce cholesterol, inflammation, and insulin resistance in anyone's body.  .  According to a study, adding 50 grams of almonds, cashews, cashews, walnuts or pistachios to your daily diet is beneficial for treating diabetes.

Uses of ginger
According to a recent study, ginger may be useful in the treatment of diabetes because it helps glucose reach the muscle cells and thus acts as a substitute for insulin.

Use of cinnamon
Preliminary results of an ongoing study at the University of California Health Sciences show that cinnamaldehydein, a chemical compound in cinnamon, increases the release and effects of insulin.  This is the reason why cinnamon is beneficial for treating diabetes.

Eat breakfast like the Nawabs
If breakfast consists of high-calorie foods and is eaten on a full stomach, and dinner consists of light foods, it proves to be an excellent recipe for treating diabetes.

Adopt a regular diet
Establishing the eating habits under a certain system is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.  The best strategy in this regard would be to eat six small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals a day.

Make exercise a must
Light exercise is also prescribed as an elixir to treat diabetes.  For this, walking for 30 minutes daily has the best results.

29 January 2023

The 10 best ways to keep your heart healthy

The 10 best ways to keep your heart healthy

To live your best life it is important to take care of your heart.  By looking after your heart you can live a longer and more active life.

There are 10 best ways to keep your heart healthy.


Avoid smoking is the absolute best thing you can do to reduce your risk of a heart attack and to look after your heart.
And also reduced the lung cancer risk as well.

2. Get Active

Getting active doesn't mean that you join.  Gem.  It's mean that keep active you in some physical work or walk daily or play some physical game cycling etc, or perform some excersise to keep your blood circulatory system active by these means you reduce the risk of heart attack.

3. Look after your mental health

Your mental health is equally as important as your physical health and having a mental health condition can also affect your heart health.
Mental health issues like stress anxiety and panic attacks play a very crucial role in heart attacks.  So to keep you healthy spend your time in good work and company stay happy take proper diet and sleep to reduce are completely cure these issues.

4. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight or obese can lead to many serious health conditions and can increase your risk of heart and circulatory diseases such as heart attack, stroke and vascular dementia.
The key to lowering your risk of heart disease is to control your weight.  The best approach is to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, consume plenty of fruit and vegetables, and couple this with frequent exercise.

5. Manage your cholesterol

You should make every effort to control your cholesterol levels because they can raise your risk of heart and circulation conditions like heart attack, stroke, and vascular dementia.
 Controllable things are all ready discussed with adopting them Quit smoking, get active, and keep your weight within a healthy range.
Diet plan and exercise also helps to control cholesterol level.

6.  Ask for your blood pressure

Normal blood pressure could save your life because high blood pressure raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. The rarity of high blood pressure symptoms makes it crucial to have your blood pressure tested. 
In the link there are several ways to control blood-pressure without medication.

7. Manage Diabetes

Diabetes increases your risk of developing heart disease. High blood sugar levels, which might harm your blood vessels, are to blame for this.
Proper diet plan and reduce the use of sugar in your daily life can be help to control diabetes.

8. Get some FRESH air

Your heart and blood circulation are harmed by air pollution. Several factors can contribute to air pollution, including industry, residential wood burning, and automobiles, notably diesel exhaust gases. If you can, try biking or walking; avoid locations that are heavily polluted, especially if you have a health concern already.

9. Eat a healthy diet

A balanced, healthy diet will inevitably assist in protecting your heart.  Your journey to a better you and a healthier heart will be aided by eating the required fruits and vegetables per day, as well as less salt, sugar, and processed foods.

Which helps you to control cholesterol level blood pressure diabetes and also keep your digestive system blood circulatory system and other body functions work properly.

10. Avoid drinking

Alcohol can increase weight and blood pressure, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes.  Regularly consuming alcohol and having high blood pressure are clearly related.  The heart muscle is strained over time by high blood pressure (hypertension), which can result in cardiovascular disease (CVD), which raises your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Super Steps to Boost Digestive Health

Super Steps to Boost Digestive Health

There are several ways to keep your digestive system healthy:

Your digestive system breaks down foods and liquids into their chemical components carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and the like that the body can absorb as nutrients and use for energy or to build or repair cells.
Food's journey through the digestive system begins in the mouth. It passes down the esophagus and into the stomach, where digestion begins. Next stop: the small intestine, which in the average person is more than 20 feet long. The small intestine further breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and sends them into the blood stream.
The remaining watery food residue moves into your large intestine, a muscular tube about 4 feet long. As undigested food passes through it, bacteria feed off the remnants. The wall of the large intestine soaks up most of the remaining water. Any undigested food that remains is expelled by a highly efficient disposal system.
Like all complicated machinery, the digestive tract doesn't always run smoothly. In some people, the problem is genetic. In others, the immune system mistakenly attacks the digestive system, causing various digestive woes. What we eat, and how we eat, can also throw off digestive health.
Fiber helps 
Eating foods that are low in fiber lessens the amount of undigested material and may ease your symptoms.

Foods that are easy to digest tend to be low

Trusted Sourcen In fiber but Our body needs 20-35 grams of fiber each day, plant foods like cherries, grapes, crunchy bell peppers, beans, whole grains, and nuts are good for full filmennts of requirements. These help with digestion and constipation and are alsobgood for heart functions and blood sugar. Because they fill you up, you’ll eat less, which also helps if you’re watching your weight.

Chew the food well

Digestion start from mouth chew the food well by doing so the teeth grind the food and tung roll out the food again and again more saliva produce in mouth which helps soften the food which can be easily swallown and digestible .

Proper diet plan and excersice help

This goal can be achiveble by proper diet plan and exercise.
Exercise may help with most minor digestive problems, from bloating to constipation.
After meal make Shure that digestive system intact vertical means don't lay down immediately after meal .

Poper diet also helps in digestion and keep you healthy .

Take selective foods according to requirements of body . Green leafy plants fresh vegetables fruits also reduced the stomach acidity such as:
berries and citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit, contain less fructose, making them easier to tolerate and less likely to cause gas. Bananas are another low-fructose fruit that are fiber-rich and contain inulin, a substance that stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the gut.
In fact, some leafy vegetables and fruits also provide prebiotics, which allows the good bacteria in your gut to flourish. You need prebiotics (and probiotics) to help your gut(Gastrointestinal tract) staye halthy.

Stay hydrated 

Fluids help to body get rid of waste and stay regular. Take water, juices, tea, and other beverages . They are also in foods, so you may not need to down 8 glasses of water a day or follow the instructions of your doctor or dietician according to your body type.
But avoid to drink water after meal.
If need to drink wait for a while approximately 15 to thirty minutes because naturally digestive juices is mix with food for digestion if we intake of water immediately after meal it can mix with digestive juice which effects the digestion process .

Keeping your digestive system healthy

Don't smoke.Keep your weight in the healthy range.Eat a balanced, healthy diet.Exercise several times a week, if not every day.Learn different ways to reduce stress.

10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication

By making these 10 lifestyle changes, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease.
If you have high blood pressure, you may wonder if medication is necessary to bring the numbers down.
But way of life plays a imperative part in treating high blood pressure. Controlling blood pressure with a solid way of life might anticipate, delay or decrease the
require for medication.
Here are 10 lifestyle changes that can lower blood pressure and keep it down.

1. Lose extra pounds and watch your waistline

Blood pressure regularly increases as weight increases.
Being overweight moreover can cause disturbed breathing while you rest (rest apnea), which encourage raises blood pressure.  Weight misfortune is one of them foremost compelling way of life changes for controlling blood pressure.  In the event that you're overweight or have weight, losing a small amount of weight can offer assistance decrease blood pressure.
In common, blood weight may go down by Approximately 1 millimeter of mercury (mmHg) with each kilogram (approximately 2.2 pounds) of weight lost.
Also, the measure of the waistline is imperative. Carrying as well as much weight around the midsection can increase the chance of high blood pressure.
 In general:
Men are at chance in the event that their midsection estimation is more prominent than 40 inches (102 centimeters).
Women are at risk on the off chance that their midsection estimation is more prominent than 35 inches (89 centimeters).

2. Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity can lower high blood pressure by about 5 to 8 mm Hg. It's important to keep exercising to keep blood pressure from rising again. As a general goal,aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate
physical activity every day.
Exercise can also help keep elevated blood pressure from turning into high blood pressure (hypertension).For those who have hypertension, regular physical activity can bring blood pressure down to safer levels.
Some examples of aerobic exercise that can help lower blood pressure include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing. Another possibility is high-intensity interval training. This type of training involves alternating short bursts of intense activity with periods of lighter activity.
Strength training also can help reduce blood pressure. Aim to include strength training exercises at least two days a week. Talk to a health care provider about developing an exercise program.

3. Eat a healthy diet

Eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and low in saturated fat and cholesterol can lower high blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg. Examples of eating plans that can help control blood pressure are the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and the Mediterranean diet.
Potassium in the diet can lessen the effects of salt (sodium) on blood pressure. The best sources of potassium are foods, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than supplements. Aim for 3,500 to 5,000 mg a day, which might lower blood pressure 4 to 5 mm Hg. Ask your care provider how much potassium you should have.

4. Reduce salt (sodium) in your diet

Even a small reduction of sodium inside the food plan can enhance coronary heart fitness and decrease excessive blood strain via about 5 to six mm Hg.
The effect of sodium consumption on blood strain varies amongst organizations of people. In wellknown, restriction sodium to two,300 milligrams (mg) a day or much less. But, a decrease sodium consumption — 1,500 mg an afternoon or much less — is right for maximum adults.
To lessen sodium inside the eating regimen:
Study meals labels. Search for low-sodium variations of ingredients and drinks.
Devour fewer processed foods. Simplest a small amount of sodium occurs naturally in ingredients. Most sodium is added throughout processing.
Don't add salt. Use herbs or spices to add flavor to food.
Prepare dinner. Cooking lets you manage the amount of sodium in the food.

5. Avoide from alcoholic drinks 

Alcoholic drinks can raise blood pressure by several points. It can also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.
pressure 4 to 5 mm Hg. Ask your care provider how much potassium you should have.

6. Quit smoking

Smoking will increase blood strain. Preventing smoking enables decrease blood pressure. It can additionally reduce the danger of coronary heart diseases minimize heart attack and other diseases, enhance usual health, likely leading to an extended life.

7. Get a good night's sleep

Getting less than six hours of sleep each night for a few weeks might result in poor sleep quality, which can lead to hypertension. Numerous conditions, such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and general insomnia, can interfere with sleep (insomnia).
If you frequently have difficulties sleeping, let your healthcare professional know. Sleep quality can be increased by identifying and treating the problem. To achieve more comfortable sleep, however, if you don't suffer sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, try these easy suggestions.
Respect a sleeping pattern. Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time each day. On weeknights and weekends, make an effort to maintain the same schedule.
Make a peaceful environment. This calls for maintaining a cold, calm, and dark sleeping environment. Spend the hour before relaxing with anything.

8. Reduce stress

Chronic (long-term) emotional stress may be a factor in high blood pressure. To determine whether stress management practises help lower blood pressure, more study on their effects is required.
Determining the sources of stress, such as work, family, finances, or sickness, and coming up with strategies to lessen stress can't hurt, either. Try these things:
Do not attempt to do too much. Focus on your priorities and make a plan for the day. Say no more often. Give yourself adequate time to complete your tasks.
Make preparations to address the problems you can manage by concentrating on them. Speak to a supervisor about a problem at work. Find solutions to conflicts with your spouse or children.
Keeping away from stressors. As an illustration, if rush-hour traffic.

9. Monitor your blood pressure at home and get regular checkups

You can keep an eye on your blood pressure at home. It can ensure that your lifestyle adjustments and drugs are effective.
It's not necessary to get a prescription to purchase a home blood pressure monitor. Before you begin, discuss home monitoring with a health care practitioner.
Controlling blood pressure also requires routine doctor visits. Ask your doctor how frequently you should have your blood pressure checked if it is under control. You might only be able to access it once per day or less frequently.

10. Get support

Strong social networks of family and friends are crucial for health. To keep your blood pressure low, they might motivate you to take care of yourself, drive you to the doctor's office, or start an exercise regiment with you.
Consider joining a support group if you discover you need assistance beyond what your family and friends can provide. This might put you in touch with individuals who might encourage you emotionally or morally and who can provide you useful advice on how to manage your disease.

27 January 2023

5 Ways to Avoid Adult Acne

5 Ways to Avoid Adult Acne

Five ways to keep your skin from breaking out
Won't they ever go away? As an adult, you expect pimples to be a thing of the past. 
But for numerous grown-ups, flaws proceed to damage otherwise healthy skin.
For a few individuals, skin break out may be indeed more regrettable in adulthood than in youth. In truth, it’s evaluated that one in five grown-ups between the ages of 25 and 44 encounter skin break out.
More than simply a cosmetic problem, acne can greatly affect your quality of life, no matter what your age or the severity of your condition.
In the event that you're engaging repeating skin breakouts, finding a way to clearer skin can offer assistance make strides your self-esteem and body image.
There is no single adult-acne cause, and since of this, there's no surefire way to dodge it or control it. Skin breakout is impacted by a few variables, numerous of which are out of your control.
But the way you treat your skin does play an imperative part. You can minimize or potentially eliminate periodic skin break out episodes all over , back, shoulders, neck, chest, limbs or elsewhere just by changing a couple of little behaviors.

1. Check your hair and skin products

Hair conditioners, gels, greases, shaving items, makeup, moisturizers, sunscreens and other items that contain oil can clog your pores and cause a breakout. Essentially exchanging to hair and skin products that do not clog pores called "noncomedogenic" could make a huge distinction within the appearance of your skin.
Check the labels on your hair and skin items to see on the off chance that they are checked oil-free and noncomedogenic.
Too, consider whether you really require each item you employ.
Indeed items checked "dermatologist tried" can cause skin break out forfew individuals.
Minimizing the number of items utilize may offer assistance advance decrease episodes.
And once you work out, wear as small cosmetics as conceivable. Indeed oil-free and noncomedogenic beauty care products can clog pores in the event that worn amid overwhelming, sweat-soaked work out.

2. Adopt a hands-off policy

Do you regularly rest your chin or cheeks in your hands or rub your nose? Doing so can energize the development of microscopic organisms and cause disease to the regions most aroused by grown-up skin break out. Embrace a strict hands-off approach that holds for breakouts, as well. Picking or pressing can drive skin break out microscopic organisms more profound into the skin, driving to more irritation and conceivably to changeless scarring. So, attempt to stand up to the allurement to touch.

3. Don't let sweat stick around

Rinse off as before long as conceivable after you work out. Physical action warms up the body, causing sweat to blend with surface skin oils. Together, they trap substances in your pores. On the off chance that a fast flush isn't conceivable, towel off and alter into dry dress as before long as you'll be able. Sitting around in sweat-soaked dress, particularly on the off chance that they are tight-fitting, can lead to skin break out on your chest, back, and other parts of the body. Too, dodge wearing tight headbands or caps that rub against your skin. In the event that you wear a head protector or any other security equip with straps, be beyond any doubt to wash the straps regularly to decrease microbes.

4. Avoid over washing and harsh scrubbing

Adult skin break out isn't caused by dirt, so washing habitually with cruel substances such as alcohol-based items won't unravel the issue.
In reality it may make the circumstance more regrettable by provoking overabundance oil generation and more imperfections. Be great to your skin by washing tenderly from beneath the jaw to the hairline with a mellow cleanser once or twice a day. You might discover that essentially washing with tepid water and using clean hands instead of a washcloth works well for you. To maintain a strategic distance from bothering or arousing your skin, pat it dry rather than rub it with a delicate towel.
And be cautious when it comes to cleansing items that claim to be defined for skin break out inclined skin, as these can take off sound skin dry and irritated.

5. Avoid stress

When you're under stress, your body produces push hormones, such as cortisol, which can fortify an overproduction of oil from the sebaceous organs within the skin. But how does push cause skin break out? When this abundance oil blends with dead skin cells and microscopic organisms, it can cause skin break out to create or ended up more regrettable. In the event that you frequently suffer from push, attempt to require brief breaks all through the day to extend and practice profound breathing.
Exercising frequently is another awesome way to ease uneasiness and decrease stress.

Start with simplicity

Whereas there's no remedy for skin break out, most mellow breakouts can be controlled with appropriate skin and body care. Begin by focusing on the fundamental methodologies specified here, keeping in intellect that when it comes to skin care, effortlessness is frequently the finest arrangement. Keep up these solid propensities for a month or two, and on the off chance that you still do not see any comes about, there may be other variables causing your skin to break out, such as: 
  • Hormonal changes (e.g., menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or beginning or halting birth control pills)
  • Medication side impacts
  • Allergic reactions to nourishments or makeup
  • Genetics 

FDA approved medication for Acne

There are several drugs for the treatment of acne.
Mostly the Doctors recommend Isotretinoin having formula C20H28O2 is an oral prescription medication that affects sebaceous glands and is used to treat severe acne. The drug was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982 to treat severe, resistant, nodular acne that is unresponsive to conventional therapy, including systemic antibiotics.
Talk to your healthcare supplier or dermatologist approximately your potential adult-acne causes, as well as treatment options.


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